Shopping for grandparents can be difficult sometimes. They’ve been around for a while and seem to have it all. With the holidays quickly approaching, I want to share with you our top three Citrus Gift packs. Our gift fruit packages are 100% guaranteed to arrive fresh at their destination. We ship via UPS to the contiguous USA.

Honeybell Gift Baskets

While these juicy oranges won’t be ready until January, Honeybells are the sweetest and juiciest orange we have available. The reason they are the sweetest is because they are a hybrid between a Darcy Tangerine and a Duncan Grapefruit. Available in quantities of 9 to 48 with prices starting at $44.99 (including shipping).
Orange Quartet Gift Basket

Give them all the sweetness in one pretty package with the Orange Quartet. Three Florida Navels, Three Red Navels, Three Tangerines and Three Mandarins. $43.99 (including shipping). Ships just in time for Christmas.
Florida Sunset Deluxe Gift Basket

When the days are cold and snowy, brighten their day with a box of Florida Sunshine! Our tastiest citrus varieties add dazzling gold and red flavors to your holiday celebration. This rainbow arrangement includes Ruby Red Grapefruit, Red Scarlet Navels and Golden Navels with two Florida Sunset jellies and a mix of strawberry and orange citrus candies. $55.99 (including shipping).
Check out our website for more information. If you want to send one of our citrus gifts this Christmas season, make sure to order by December 9th to guarantee Christmas arrival.