It’s the perfect time of the year to visit our greenhouse! This is the month when we get the prettiest flowers for your garden. Walking into the greenhouse and seeing all of the beautiful hues of pink, lavender, red, orange, yellow and blue put a smile on my face everyday. In order to have a successful flower garden, you must know your garden’s sun pattern. Does the flower garden area get the morning sun or the afternoon shade? Let’s start with the sun-loving plants for your flower garden.
Sun Loving Flower Garden
If you love yellow flowers, then you can’t go wrong with these Bush Daisies in your flower garden. Make sure to give them enough space when planting because they’ll definitively spread into a beautiful bush. Very easy to take care off, they just need to be regularly watered when first planting. Once they are established, they’ll be fine with weekly waterings. They do love sun, so make sure they get plenty of it.

Bush Daisies
Another showy flower is the “Cleome” or Spider Flower. Cleome is available in white, pink and beautiful fuscia bringing amazing color to your flower garden. This flowering plant is an annual and it will bloom from now until fall. They are native to South America, which makes them great drought tolerant plants for Florida weather.

Cleome or Spider Flower
Once you decide where to put your flower garden, make sure to figure out how much sun that area gets daily. The amount of sun your garden gets will define what type of flowers will survive. Make sure to water your newly planted flowers daily until they are fully established. Depending on flower type and the soil conditions of your garden, after two to three weeks, you may need to change your watering schedule. Here are some resources for gardening in Florida:
Bed Preparation is the key to successful flowers and vegetables
Thanks for this! We are actually going to redo our gardens this month 🙂 We pulled them completely out for a complete redo this year. I love those cleomes!