Did you know we sell honey? It is one of our best sellers! People come to our market looking for honey all the time. Whether our customers use it for cooking, medicinal purposes or just for their morning cup of tea, we go through a lot of honey!
I’m not sure if you were aware of this, but this past April there was a lot of controversy right here in Florida over ultra-filtrated honey brought in from China and re-sold under store name brands at local stores. Buyer beware! This ultra-filtrated honey lacks all the nutritional benefits like pollen. According to Food Safety News, 3/4 of the honey sold at U.S. grocery stores isn’t honey!
We normally carry two types of honey: Orange Blossom and Tupelo. Orange Blossom, as the name implies, comes from Orange groves throughout central Florida. Tupelo honey comes from the Tupelo tree which is mostly found around northwest Florida. This summer we brought in Palmetto honey. Palmetto honey comes from the blooms of the saw palmetto palm which grows throughout Florida.
There’s much debate as to whether how far “local” honey can still be called “local”. Most people say about 50 miles. I’ve also heard the debate that because there are no mountains in Florida, all Florida honey is local. My thoughts on this local debate is that anything from Florida should be considered local.
We have a large variety of sizes available for sale. We offer 8 oz, 16 oz and 32 oz in both the Tupelo and the Orange Blossom. We also carry honey with the honey comb. If you can’t make it to our market, but would still like to taste of Florida honey, visit our website for more info.
I must admit, I’m partial to the Tupelo honey. It’s a lot brighter in color than the Orange Blossom. According to the Tupelo Beekeepers Association, Tupelo honey is the only honey that will not granulate and it’s use is recommended by doctors for diabetic patients. At our home, I use it to combat seasonal allergies. Since making the move to Plant City from Boca Raton, my allergies have been a lot better ever since I started using our honey on a regular basis. I know this because I used to take Zyrtec every day in the spring. I couldn’t go a day without it or my eyes would start burning and my nose would start running. This past spring was the first Orange Blossom season I did not need a Zyrtec. 🙂
When shopping for honey, make sure to look for raw, unfiltered or local labels on it. These labels will ensure you get the most benefits from your purchase.